A father sings a lullaby to his newborn. From the Broadway Records album “The Rainbow Lullaby.”
Range: D below middle C to A above middle C
Audio Sample:
Sung by Jay Armstrong Johnson
Jon, an auto factory worker, is desperate to help his young daughter Marla get out of the crappy town he’s been trapped n his whole life.. The only thing she loves to do is sing — but she is too painfully shy to sing in front of an audience. Here, while on the job, Jon allows himself to dream about giving her the confidence she needs and deserves. Power ballad for bari/tenor. (Eb3 – A4)
Young Cardinal McCafferty has always dreamed of being the Pope — but here in the Sistine Chapel, competing with other Cardinals for the top job, he realizes he has no idea how to prove himself. What makes one the best person to be Pope? Along with his new friend Cardinal Bergenstein, he scours the Bible for clues. They find a commandment from Jesus — “Love one another as I have loved you” — and consider what this kind of love would mean. Bari/tenor (Range: C3 – G4)
Parker, whose life is a musical that no one else sees or hears, has lost everything. The woman he loves (but can’t tell her he loves her) thinks he has betrayed her, and told him never to see her again. He resolves to forget her, and everything they’ve gone through together — and though he hears the music beginning, he insists that this will not be a song moment. Dramatic ballad for tenor. (F#3 – A4)