Aug 23, 2010 | News, Readings & Workshops, Theater
I sang the role of Duddy for the demo recording of the Alan Menken/David Spencer musical THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ, based on the film starring Richard Dreyfuss. Sheryl Kaller (Tony nominee for NEXT FALL) directed, and the cast included the stellar Elena Shaddow (reuniting us after three years since we shared the stage in the LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA!), Fred Applegate (of Broadway’s LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, along with Elena), Adam McDonald, Kristin Maloney-MacDonald, Natalie Charle Ellis and other greats!
Jul 23, 2010 | News, Performances, Theater
The two-person killer musical is back, in its first full production, from July 22 – 28!
Info and tickets here!
Jul 14, 2010 | News, Press Articles & Reviews, Theater
My song “The First Amendment” appears in the new musical WE THE PEOPLE: AMERICA ROCKS! … and even gets a shout-out from Theatremania!
“It’s Adam Overett’s ode to “The First Amendment” that may be the outstanding piece in the eight-number score.” — Theatremania (full review here)

Photo by Joan Marcus
Rock out with America’s original “boy band,” The Founding Fathers! Join Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin as they trade in their powdered wigs for power chords to help an ambitious teen. On a quest to win her school election, Dawn cares more about padding her college applications than making her school a better place. With the help of these Fab Four, she discovers that “We the People” have the power to raise a patriotic ruckus and make a difference! Jon Stewart meets the Jonas Brothers in the world premiere of WE THE PEOPLE: AMERICA ROCKS!, a hip new musical for the whole family.
Get your tix (FREE!) before it closes August 13!
Jun 20, 2010 | News, Theater
Check out the Voice page for the recording of me singing this new song by Alan Menken and David Spencer from their musical THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ, to be released by Sh-K-Boom on their CD of new musical theater writers, “No More Revivals” — also featuring my song “My Sky,” performed by Stephanie J. Block (on the Writing page)!
Jun 11, 2010 | News, Performances, Readings & Workshops
I play Captain Lance Trainor, a comic-book pilot hero, in this reading of the new musical SUPREMA at New Dramatists, directed by Sam Gold (Circle Mirror Transformation), with book/lyrics by Jordan Harrison and music/lyrics by Daniel Zaitchik. Starring Douglas Sills (The Scarlet Pimpernel), Kerry O’Malley (Into the Woods, White Christmas), Kathy Voytko (The Pirate Queen, Nine), Betsy Wolfe (Everyday Rapture), and others, SUPREMA tells the story of William Moulton Marston, the man who invented the character Wonder Woman … and also lived in a polyamorous relationship with two women … and whose research on lie detection led to the development of the polygraph. Who knew?!
Jun 4, 2010 | News, Performances, Theater
My song “The First Amendment” will appear in this new Theatreworks USA musical, running from July 8 to August 13 at the Lortel Theatre!

From the TWUSA website: Rock out with America’s original “boy band,” The Founding Fathers! Join Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin as they trade in their powdered wigs for power chords to help an ambitious teen. On a quest to win her school election, Dawn cares more about padding her college applications than making her school a better place. With the help of these Fab Four, she discovers that “We the People” have the power to raise a patriotic ruckus and make a difference! Jon Stewart meets the Jonas Brothers in the world premiere of WE THE PEOPLE: AMERICA ROCKS!, a hip new musical for the whole family.
Get free tickets here!