Jun 20, 2010 | News, Theater
Check out the Voice page for the recording of me singing this new song by Alan Menken and David Spencer from their musical THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ, to be released by Sh-K-Boom on their CD of new musical theater writers, “No More Revivals” — also featuring my song “My Sky,” performed by Stephanie J. Block (on the Writing page)!
Jun 4, 2010 | News, Performances, Theater
My song “The First Amendment” will appear in this new Theatreworks USA musical, running from July 8 to August 13 at the Lortel Theatre!
From the TWUSA website: Rock out with America’s original “boy band,” The Founding Fathers! Join Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Franklin as they trade in their powdered wigs for power chords to help an ambitious teen. On a quest to win her school election, Dawn cares more about padding her college applications than making her school a better place. With the help of these Fab Four, she discovers that “We the People” have the power to raise a patriotic ruckus and make a difference! Jon Stewart meets the Jonas Brothers in the world premiere of WE THE PEOPLE: AMERICA ROCKS!, a hip new musical for the whole family.
Get free tickets here!
May 10, 2010 | Readings & Workshops, Theater
Joe Kinosian and I take the stage again in the piece he wrote with Kellen Blair, “Murder For Two” — a hilarious two-person murder mystery musical where I play the detective, Joe plays all the suspects, and we both play the piano!
More on “Murder For Two”
Apr 9, 2010 | News, Performances, Press Articles & Reviews, Theater
Uri (Hannah Taylor) and Mafatu (Matthew Moore) on their new island.
The youth premiere production of CALL IT COURAGE opens at the Zachary Scott Theatre in Austin, TX, performed by the amazing Showstoppers under the excellent direction of Adam Roberts! The show runs till May 9.
Mafatu’s name means “Stout Heart,” but he has lived his whole life in terror of the ocean. Now the time has come to face it. With his dog Uri, he climbs into a canoe and sets out on the sea to confront his fears. On the way he will battle sharks, boars, violent storms, and more. Will Mafatu survive to become the brave Chief he was meant to be, or will the sea conquer him after all? Join Mafatu on the journey of a lifetime in CALL IT COURAGE — a tale of excitement, adventure, and self-discovery on the stormy South Seas!
More info and news about the show!
Check out photos here!
Tavana Nui (Willie Casper) meets his son Mafatu (Sam Pearson), as Kana (Rachel Ravel) looks on.
Feb 23, 2010 | News, Performances, Theater
Check out my Writing page — there’s a new clip of Stephanie singing this song, with orchestration by Tony Award-winner Bruce Coughlin!
Jan 26, 2010 | Performances, Readings & Workshops, Theater
The first rehearsal of my contribution to the Prospects show “Snapshots” (see previous post, Dec. 13) … I’ve written a song/scene called “I Don’t Speak Italian” about a 14-year-old boy who feels constantly left out of his Italian family, who are all constantly speaking in their native language, which he doesn’t understand. Directed by Dev Bondarin with a terrific cast including Ali Ewoldt (Maria in the European tour of West Side Story), Doug Shapiro (Prospect’s Iron Curtain) and other fantastic talents!